We recommend that you use the ODBC Manager application that is installed with the Actual ODBC Pack instead of Apple's older ODBC Administrator. ODBC Manager has the ability to authenticate Administrator access when it doesn't have permission to modify a file. If you are not able to use ODBC Manager for some reason and if you are not able to save a System DSN, make sure you have read / write permissions on the /Library/ODBC folder.
August Software is now shipping Open Database Connectivity support for Darwin 1.4.1 PowerMac kernel. The ODBC Software Development Kit for Darwin is designed to allow users the ability to port. I'm trying to connect to an MS SQL database from R (on a Mac) - after fiddling a lot with odbc.ini, odbcinst.ini, and installing freeTDS as described: sudo port install freetds +mssql +odbc +universal it now works on the Mac's command line level, but when trying to access it from R using the command.
Use the Finder to do the following: 1. Navigate to the /Library folder 2. Select the ODBC folder 3. Select the menu: File-Get Info 4. Expand the 'Sharing & Permissions' section and make sure your user account has 'Read & Write' privilege (you may need to click on the lock icon in the lower right corner before you can change the privilege). In order to use MS Query on an Intel Mac, you will need to upgrade to MS Office 2011. MS Query 2008 is a PowerPC application, which means it needs Rosetta to run on an Intel Mac.
Lion no longer includes Rosetta. Once you have Office 2011, you will need to make sure you have the latest updates installed. MS Excel 2011 version 14.1.2 was the first update to include a native Intel version of MS Query. The latest update to MS Office 2011 is available here:. NOTE: Excel 2016 uses a different internal query editor for creating SQL queries. MS Query is no longer used or needed with Excel 2016.
Excel 2016 is a “sandboxed” application, which limits its ability to access the file system. In order to follow OS X requirements for sandboxed applications, the driver will display a dialog box asking you to confirm the location of your file-based database. The dialog is only displayed the first time a query is executed during an Excel session. If you don't want to confirm your database file, you can move your database file to a location that is within the Excel sandbox. Our Actual ODBC Pack installer creates a special folder named “ODBC Documents” within the “Documents” folder when it detects that Excel 2016 is installed. When a file is located within this folder, the confirmation dialog is not displayed when running a query.
By default, the driver installs in a non-expiring 'demo mode'. The demo mode has full functionality, except that it only returns the first 3 records from any query.
This should let you verify that the driver will work for you before spending any money on a license key. However, FileMaker Server does not function correctly when fewer than the total number of records are returned. For that reason, you must have a valid Server Edition license key when using the driver with FileMaker Server.
You can get a 30-day evaluation key by visiting our. You should install the 30-day key on your server. The driver will return all records for 30 days, and will then revert to the default 'demo mode' until a key is.
There is an issue with FileMaker Server where it does not display connection-related error messages generated by the driver. Instead, it just displays the password prompt with no error message or explanation at all. You can resolve most connection-related issues by pressing the Test button on the Conclusion panel of the driver's DSN setup assistant (displayed when you configure your DSN using ODBC Manager).
Once you have resolved any issues indicated in the test results, you should be able to connect using FileMaker. Note: a valid Server Edition license key is required when using the driver with FileMaker Server. The driver will generate an error if an attempt is made to connect without a valid license key. Because FileMaker does not display error messages, it is not always obvious this is the cause of the problem.
A 30-day evaluation key of the Server Edition is available from our. FileMaker looks for the driver (and license key) on the machine where the FileMaker database is hosted. If the FileMaker database is hosted on FileMaker Server, then the driver needs to be installed and configured on the server (and FM Server will make all ODBC connections on behalf of the connected FileMaker Pro / FileMaker Go clients). If you open the FileMaker database locally in FileMaker Pro (without connecting to FileMaker Server), then FileMaker will look for the driver on your local machine. So, you should make sure your System DSN is configured on the machine where your FileMaker database is hosted. You can configure the driver to automatically determine the port by pressing the Client Configuration button on the Connection panel (the panel where you specify if you are connecting to Microsoft SQL Server or Sybase).
A dialog will be displayed that lets you select the 'Dynamically determine port' checkbox. If you are not able to connect by dynamically determining the port, then enter the port used by the instance using the Client Configuration button on the Connection panel of the driver DSN setup assistant. You can determine the port used by the instance by using the Server Network Utility in the Microsoft SQL Server program group on the Windows server where your database resides. Select the instance name from the drop down list and select TCP/IP from the list of enabled protocols. Then press the Properties button and note the listed port number.
If you get this message after waiting more than 60 seconds, then you either have the wrong IP address for the server or the server is not reachable from your Mac. Use the Ping and Trace Route tools of the Network Utility application in the /Applications/Utilities folder to verify you can reach your server's IP address. If you get this message immediately, then you either have the wrong port or the port is being blocked by the network equipment (such as a router or firewall). Use the Port Scan tool of the Network Utility application to verify your server is listening on the port you have configured, and the port is reachable from your Mac. When you use the Port Scan tool to scan the default port 1433, you should see a message that says: Open Port: 1433 ms-sql-s NOTE: if the only message you see is 'Port Scan has completed', then the server is not listening on that port, or the port is not reachable from your Mac! Contact your database administrator or network support staff to determine the correct port or to have the port opened on your organization's network equipment.
Mac Database Software
Finally, the latest service packs from Microsoft should be applied to the SQL Server. Your database administrator should be able to tell you whether the latest service pack has been applied. This is particularly important if the server is also concurrently running an instance of the Microsoft Desktop Engine (MSDE). In most cases, you should NOT enter the server name in the server field.
Instead, enter the IP address followed by the instance name in the server field, in the form 'IP address instance name'. If you are not able to connect by specifying the instance name, then remove the instance name in the server field. Instead, enter only the IP address in the server field. Then enter the port used by the named instance using the Client Configuration button on the Connection panel of the driver DSN setup assistant.
You can determine the port used by the instance by using the Server Network Utility in the Microsoft SQL Server program group on the Windows server where your database resides. Select the instance name from the drop down list and select TCP/IP from the list of enabled protocols.
Then press the Properties button and note the listed port number.