61- The Newlywed Game Bob EubanksABC199 Mercinvs. Persley vs.Dickey1969 Shonvs. Tennison vs.Ackerman1969 Williams vs.
Kenny Rogers and The First Edition (Mary Arnold and Terry Williams both did episodes) – 1972 H.R. Pufnstuf – December 25, 1972 Dick Clark on 'The New' Dating Game - 1973 (He was finding a date for one of his dancers on American Bandstand) Arnold Schwarzenegger on 'The New' Dating Game – 1973 Suzanne Somers on 'The New' Dating Game – 1973.
Bouja1969 Brooks vs. Mixon1969 Couples names were cutby GSN1969O’Brien vs. Includes contestant plug address.1969 Larson vs. Palmer1972typical ep.1972 Byron vs. McElesky1972 ReunionDay1972 Roberts vs.
Bell vs.Wagner1972 Craseevs. Cervantes vs. Trojan1972 Takanabivs.
Robels1972 McCullumvs. Butow vs.Giraffe1972 Aaronson vs. Nezelle1972 Mansfield vs. Cohen1972 Liebermann vs.
Stoah1972 Sutherland vs. Farr1972 Joins in at 1 stround1972 couples names were cutby GSN1972 Bohanekvs. Farr1972 5 eps.of Reunion Day1972 Floresvs.
Brown1972 Sorentinovs. Barner1972 Reeves vs. Scwartz1972 Holden vs. Lopez vs.Hague vs.
Yagle1972 Howe vs. Sokowski vs.Nettleton1972 Scrotinvs. Kanouse1972 Levingoodvs. Simon1972 English vs.Christensen vs. Paul1972 Slater vs. Henderson vs. Helm1972 Gellington vcs.
Peck1972 Rice vs. Goodwin1972 Moffattvs. Peterson1972 Walervs. Buckmaster vs. Walker1973 3 eps.of Reunion Day1973 Dawn vs. Parker vs.Smith vs.
Nielsen1973 Lee vs. Hatch vs.Jones vs.
Morrie1973 Hayes vs. Tisk1973 Landigervs. Bowndig1973 2 typical eps.1974 Last episode oforiginal run with a VERY teary Bob.Syndicated 197 Nelson vs. Despie1977 Hale vs.
Cleaveland vs. Wallace1978 Cooper vs.
Castabater vs. Jock1978 Byrd vs. Bardner1978 Cowellvs. Shevitz Alumni Day1978 Killian vs. Knotz1978 Vanzweitvs. Banter PaternityDay1979 Alumni Day enough said.1979typical ep.
Missing everything after final commercialbreak.1979 HILARIOUS ep. With Beyner vs. House vs.Field vs. Bates.Ellen Metzger(MikeMetzger’s wife & Frequent Treasure Hunt character) make a cameo for aquestion.-2- The New Newlywed Game Jim LangeThese eps.Were part of a special valentine’s Day week on ABC, but turned out to be thepilot for the 1985-1989 version.1984 with Walker vs. Bragg.1984 Murphy vs. Engen-107- The New Newlywed Game Bob Eubanks1985 4typical eps.1985 Riley vs. Lance vs.Phillip vs.
Tessier1985 Kent vs.Broderick vs. Swartz1985 Davovs. Summerfield1985 2 eps.of Alumni day1985 Meyer vs.
Schubert1985 Cohen vs. Baker1985 Coleman vs. Itzo1985 Cook vs. Sherwood1985 Polaziusvs. Estelle1985 Dannvs.
Day1985 Maternity Day1985 Diatellivs. Canoni1985 Carolouvs. Vilapania1985 Owayruvs. Goldsmith vs.
Sosa1985 Black vs. Mayor vs.Gonzales vs. Bayas GREAT ep.!1985 Spencer vs. Hines vs.Frost vs.
Eaton1985 Parker vs. Stockwell vs.
Naftolin1985 Johnson vs. Lane1985 Heburgervs. Smith1985 Zanleggervs.
McMillian vs. Gunderson1985 Harris vs. Alexnader vs. Martini1985 Petty vs. Williams vs.Peterson vs. Casabala1985 Diezvs. Hutter1985 #1 vs.
Koladi1985 Adams vs. Tumberello1985 Bender vs. Hessler1985 Probervs. Hindiggis vs. Biscotter1985 Walker vs. Elder1985 Mclainvs.
Robinson1985 Rowlleyvs. Hernandez vs.
The New Newlywed Game Episodes
Quinn1985 Clark vs. Maldonaldo vs.
Handy1985 Corellavs. Adkinson vs.Laws1985 Higgins vs. Torres1987 Williams vs. CarterHas Carol Merrill’sdaughter Hilary Safire!!!1987 McGee vs. Allen1987 Rivera vs. Krachmond1987 Tachivs.
Larsen1987 Gomez vs. Moore vs.Hanson vs. Jackson1987 Sherman vs. Freetley1987 Benton vs. Karen vs.Masseur vs. Ross1987 Thomas vs.
Side vs.Brice vs. Maxwell1987 Paternity Day1987 Johnson vs. De La Cruzvs. Wesy1987 Sparrow vs. Gibson vs.Cruz vs. Stone1987 Henderson vs. Cove1987 James vs.
Ross vs.Sanders vs. Lisett1987 Thornton vs.
Horling.Bob gets tough and this ep. Would have made Bob Barker walk off the set.1987 Clinton vs.
Homrock1987 Board vs. Farmer vs.Clark vs. Winer1987 Jackson vs.
Van Ramcourst1987 Benerderbeevs. Mays1987 Percy vs. Bullard1987 Robinson vs. Hamlin1987 Briggs vs. McClure vs.Shapiro vs. Garcia1987 Cobb vs.
Bradley1987 Kimbovs. McDermott1987 Holmes vs. True vs.Alonzo vs.
Old Newlywed Game Episodes
Camino1987 Koffvs. Straney1987 Lindovs. Hindson1987 Battle vs.
Wood1987 Maternity Day1987 Cooper vs. GladzadianBob tells how he could havesaved $20K.1987 Color vs.
Galzino1987 Orvaseevs. Sangabore vs. Pases vs.Tobert1987 Toby vs. Rosse1987 Riddlervs. Stevenson vs. Reyboin1987 Mackalavs. Kattola1987 Griffith vs.
From 1988 are thenew cash format1988 Cretchmarrvs. Martelle1988 Faginovs. Gonzales1988 Augneyvs. MacDougal vs.
Veviniste1988 Delouschavs. King1988 Lenmanvs. Weep1988 Dudleyvs. Garcia1988 Jones vs. Shultites1988 Brotonvs. Chamberland1988 Brown vs.
Freedman1988 Martin vs. Louis vs.Alexander vs. Chumber1988 Jackson vs.
Van Rosendale vs. Zack1988 Areas vs.
Ferris1988 Jackson vs. Proto1988 Beaver vs.Jackson-Davis vs. Monsee1988 Wilson vs. Gill1988 Parks vs.
Horton1988 Campbell vs. Lickey-Moran1988 Bihoskivs. Alagagian vs.
Alva1988 Brown vs. Nelson1988 Santos vs. Bruns1988 Earls vs. Jackson1988 Thomas vs. Wolf1988 Marshall vs. Guarley1988 Mandoorvs.
Riggan1988 Wilson vs. Gill1988 Purdue vs. Patriga1988 6 typical eps.
Question by KimSubmitted on 5/26/2004Related FAQ:Rating:Rate this question:I am trying to find an old episode of The Newlywed game my parents were on and won. The year was either 1967 or the beginiing of 1968.
Is there a way to find this info?Answer by jfrSubmitted on 11/6/2004Rating: Not yet rated Ratethis answer:I am also looking for an old copy of theanniversary game.1973. Any help? Answer by kerrie7chappell@comcast.netSubmitted on Rating: Not yet rated Ratethis answer:I am looking for the same thing. My parents Won in 1968 on the game show Newlywed. Any luck finding an episode? He was in his Marines uniform.Kerrie Answer by JohnSubmitted on Rating: Not yet rated Ratethis answer:Kim: Did you ever find that episode of the newlywed game your parents won?
I would love to know. We were on the show twice, lost the first time and on the anniversery game we won, in 1969. I've been looking for a copy of it. They didn't have VCRs back than.
We have not record of this fun event. Tenniskats@aol.com Answer by KayharbySubmitted on 6/23/2006Rating: Not yet rated Ratethis answer:Did you ever get an answer to this? I'm trying to find an episode from 1972-1974.was wondering if you had any luck? Thank you Answer by alanSubmitted on Rating: Not yet rated Ratethis answer:My parents were on too and I was hoping to find the episode.
They were married 7-8-78 so they must have been on the show around then. I would love it if someone knows a way to get ahold of it. Your answer will be published for anyone to see and rate. Your answer will not be displayed immediately. If you'd like to get expert points and benefit from positive ratings, please create a new account or login into an existing accountbelow.
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